4 czerwca 2024 r.
The man working at reception was enthusiastic and welcoming, even though I don't speak much Chinese. Later in the evening he even took me into the restaurant directly connected to the hotel lobby and helped me order.
The location is great because some of the rooms and the restaurant overlook 枫桥 Wind bridge. There was some noise from the street below, but I was tired so it didn't bother me much.... But if you are a light sleeper, it is something to consider.
My room was fine, although the shower drained slowly. I was just there for one night, so again, I didn't mind.
Please note: on the actual street, the blue street number is 101. Initially I walked right passed because I was looking for number 96, and when I visited there was no sign that I could see in either Chinese or English. The local shop owners helped point me to the right hotel. The first photo I posted (with the pink lighting) is what the main entrance looks like, and the photo taken from the bridge shows the hotel from the river.