James Horth
20 listopada 2023 r.
Where to begin,
Well as a Luddite myself I was a big fan of the fact that the television didn’t work and that it couldn’t connect to any channel so that’s a huge bonus for me.
Secondly, I love the work of Alexander Fleming and was fascinated to find the lovely mould samples left through the bathroom, bare amenities, other than the couple sachets of soap instead of bottles.
Furthermore, I was pleased to find that as a avid enjoyer of the worlds thinnest duvet I was pleased to find that not only do I have shirts thicker than the duvet but that it almost appeared that it was just the duvet cover and no duvet inside at all!
Also, it may be bold of me to assume that when I book a room with a double bed I don’t expect two single beds pushed together and thinly covered by a bedsheet which when laying in the gap the two beds a pushed apart furthering the gap between them aita or what?
Moreover, when attempting to try and sleep I couldn’t, no matter how hard i tried, tune out the droning of what I can only assume to be a small nuclear reactor going into meltdown or a jet fighter taking off (the boiler) from roaring all night long.
Don’t waste your money my advice is if you want to stay near Hyde park save yourself the disappointment and buy a tent and sleep in Hyde park itself.
The only redeeming factor is the location.
I would recommend going elsewhere.