31 stycznia 2023 r.
We travelled by group so we had a room for ourself which was quite small but okey, The Pool is really cool and the Barkeeper there is a super nice guy who makes some of the best drinks we had during our trips. The problem we had was with the other stuff, our group was doing an exchange and we we're having some drinks at the bar when 2 of our local Spanish friends also joined us at the Pool bar and started consuming drinks with us, later 2 more came which were also consuming drinks with us, when all of a sudden the unmotivated Lady ''guarding'' the entrance aka just sitting there on her Phone all day doing nothing came up and started yelling at us and complaining about our friends, to which we replied nowhere did it state that it wasn't allowed and that they were paying customers at the bar they weren't even using the pool but she could accept that and was making a scene and wasn't making any efforts to resolve the situation, in the end we payed a fine for them to stay and shortly afterwards left and took our Business elsewhere, now the Rooftop Bar & Pool weren't full or crowded it was more or less just our group and like 3 other Guests who all didn't mind us so i don't get why they didn't just come and talk to us so we could have peacefully resolved it. We were quite baffled as we we're never informed about the policy.....