A DUDGEON! BUYERS BEWARE!! This one bedroom cost us more than a high-rise hotel and from the minute we walked in, a strong smell of bleach could be smelt (so bad we vacated for hours). Then, we began to notice the facilities that did not work: No light in the bathroom, a hole in the wall, rubbish under the bed, an unusable fold out sofa (we slept on the floor). To add to this, we could hear everything our neighbours were doing thanks to the paper-thin walls of this building which saw to it that none of us slept well the whole night. We contacted the owner to request a refund only to be told we were not entitled to one, and to add to this - they withheld an additional $250 on top of the room fee which did not return even after we checked out ($299). The worst experience of my entire 2 weeks in Queensland. I would avoid this place at all costs, it appears to be a sleazy place to crash for young party goers who are not fussed about accommodation.