31 stycznia 2023 r.
The Hotel Krone is a fabulous hotel in the wonderful city of Tübingen. It's not exaggerated to affirm that it's the best hotel in that city. At first sight upon entering the building for the start of a stay at the hotel one feels impressed owing to the tasty decoration and other elements contributing to create a pleasant atmosphere. That feeling is supported by the wellcome one receives from the personnel working at the front desk, particularly if the new coming guest has the luck and the pleasure to be attended by Loreena, as it was my case. The hotel lies quite close to the city historical center, in a rather quiet place. The main entrance is in Uhlandstraße, a street with not much traffic. In that where the building right hand side façade is there isn't hardly any traffic. Behind the building there is a inner court, a part of which is destined to the hotel parking. In order to get to the historical center one needs to go across a bridge over the river Neckar form which very nice views can be enjoyed. I stayed in that hotel at the end of August last year and I liked so much both the hotel end the city that I returned there twice, in October 2021 and in May 2022, staying of course at the same hotel. The rooms I was allocated respectively each time are very nice and comfortable, not only as regards the beds but likewise as far as everything inside is concerned. The bed is no doubt very comfy, the mattress having the right toughness for assuring a good rest. Besides, the room is very peaceful so that I heard no noise during my stays at the hotel. The whole hotel is a calm place, the building being apparently soundproof. The breakfast is abundant and excellent. Everything offered for that meal is of the utmost good quality. The fruits are fresh and varied. It's obvious that the pastry is usually of recent manufacture insofar as, for instance, the croissants are still sometimes a bit warm. The crammed meat and the eggs are likewise very tasty. That breakfast powered me all day up until dinner time. Besides, the breakfast room is clean and pleasant, with the adequate light. The music is there none the less somewhat disturbing. Its quality is rather bad and therefore its suppression would be much appreciated. All the staff is very kind, friendly and helpful. In any case, Loreena's good manners and service are outstanding. She is wellcoming and sincere, and her kindness and friendliness could be placed above the average. The other staff members are also very kind and efficient. One of them helped me the first time I lodged in the hotel to take the suitcase out of the car. The room maids are also kind and concientious workers. On the occasion of my second stay, upon my departure, one of them helped me on her own initiative take a part of my baggage to the car and put the big suitcase into the trunk. I have every time been provided with a table lamp fit for working with the appropriate light. The hotel is in general very clean and very well decorated. Th